In this newsletter issue, we feature solutions provided by our supplier Kemin Food Technologies EMEA. The company develops ingredients that keep food and beverages safe and fresh for longer. To meet industry demands, the food technologies team offers natural plant extracts,antioxidants and food safety solutions to protect the colour, flavour and microbial stability for a variety of food applications.
FORTIUM® R rosemary extract
A complete line of clean label natural rosemary extract-based product designed to offer maximum effectiveness against colour and flavour degradation.
NaturFORT™ rosemary ang green tea blend
A versatile combination of natural rosemary extract and natural green tea extract offering a balanced flavoured profile. Blends allow for increased antioxidant protection for meat products and sauces and dressings.
BactoCEASE® NV buffered vinegar
A buffered vinegar-based food safety solution to protect meat, poultry and fish products as well as deli salads from spoilage bacteria while offering a clean label alternative.
BactoCEASE® NV OR Liquid (organic buffered vinegar) – NEW
An organic certified buffered vinegar solution as a response to a growing organic food market.