Gulfood Manufacturing 2022 - FSL Flavours

Dear Readers,

FSL and Aromatech together with 14 of our other global partners successfully hosted the largest exhibition stand at Gulfood Manufacturing 2022. During the three-day show, several innovative concepts aligned with health were presented to visitors alongside other key topics such as plant-based, sugar & sodium reduction, clean-label and vitamin, mineral and fiber fortification solutions. With over 400 customer inquiries regarding ingredients, concepts and solutions received, inevitably FSL is headed towards a busy start to 2023.

FSL strives to deliver exciting new and high performing flavors which synergize with our customer’s brands and create a memorable experience for consumers. In this final edition of the Flavors Newsletter for 2022, we take you on a journey through the flavors of Africa. Following many years of developing local flavors which have hit the right notes in the African market, we are now introducing those perfected flavors to the Middle East region.

In addition to the above, as done in every quarter, we introduce to you Innov’flavors by Aromatech along with the newly launched range of flavors. Towards the later part of the newsletter, we present a new mouthwatering strawberry flavored spread that was recently introduced in Europe.

To conclude the newsletter, we deliver insights from our flavors training day, held at the FSL Dubai office alongside a note of thanks from FSL flavors team.


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