High Protein Milk Drinks (Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate): Beverages are a perfect on-the-go snack concept for when you travel.
Protein Shakes (Coffee, Machiatto): High protein beverages have been growing in popularity in line with the health an wellness trend which takes more people to the gym every week.
Meal Replacement – Deliver the essential portion of your daily protein needs, in addition to calcium magnesium and potassium.
Benefits of Bekaplus BP 800
Due to increasingly demanding consumer lifestyles, traditional meals are being replaced by healthy snacking concepts. Nutrition, convenience and portability are key terms here as these snacks need to satiate hunger with taste and nutrition while keeping you going through the day.
The protein boom has been prevalent for years with a significant recent shift towards plant-based proteins. Although sources of protein are diversifying and expanding into new categories, dairy proteins are still strong.
Texture is an important driver for taste perception and is the focus of many of today’s food innovations. Texture claims are shown more prominently on the front-of-pack while brands are also being creative in describing texture or including a texture claim in a product name.
BEKAPLUS BP 800 from BK Giulini is based on milk protein specially designed for application in protein enriched dairy beverages with
– Clean flavor profile
– Smooth texture
– No sedimentation or precipitation during high temperature treatments – No gel formation at high protein levels
– Well-balanced viscosity profile
– Applicable in water and milk systems
– Protein content min 80 %
– Clean label and No E-number
Benefits of Bekaplus BP 800
Sedimentation and protein coagulation in protein containing beverages is the result of protein denaturing and improper stabilization
– BEKAPLUS BP 800 is based on native dairy proteins – even through harsh environments of UHT processing
– BEKAPLUS BP 800 is an optimized protein system that delivers premium quality