A Solution for Protein Enriched Dairy Beverages
BEKAPLUS® BP 800 is based on milk protein specially designed for application in protein enriched dairy beverages. It consists of the following properties:
- Clean label (no E-numbers)
- Clean flavor profile
- Smooth texture
- No sedimentation or precipitation during high-temperature treatments
- No gel formation at high protein levels
- Well-balanced viscosity profile
- Applicable in water and milk systems
- Protein content min 80%
Benefits of BEKAPLUS BP 800
Sedimentation and protein coagulation in protein containing beverages is the result of protein denaturing and improper stabilization.
BEKAPLUS® BP 800 is based on native dairy proteins – even through harsh environments of UHT processing. It is an optimized protein system that delivers premium quality.
Application Areas:
BEKAPLUS® BP 800 is used for applications such as protein enriched UHT flavored milk-drinks & protein shakes, water-based UHT dairy protein enriched beverages and UHT meal replacers.