The Future of Gum
Bubble gums & chewing gums are now being used to deliver pharma products to patients and thus far have been very successful. Among the gum bases used particularly in the USA, sugar-free gum applications and nutraceutical gum applications make a very large portion of the market segment.
Lifestyle changes and several other reasons have led to the growth of this sector and our expertise believes that the health related “’Oral Care’, ‘Natural’, ‘Lower Calorie’, ‘Bio’ and ‘Slow Release’-Gums” will claim a large portion of future gum sales.
While bubble and chewing gum products have always been ‘fun & pleasure’ products without health claims, future gum products will be formulated with health value additions to attract consumers.
At present the younger consumers indulge in chewing gum as a fun activity, however in the future they too will demand added value in the regular fun-chewing gums. This transition is evident in adult consumers and in time will reflect among younger consumers too.
Polarisation toward “health” and “pleasure” in the gum sector is predictable in the near future. Global gum producers will eventually adapt to these new trends to remain competitive in the market.