Growing conditions for the current 2023/24 crop in Brazil are favorable for the time of year and there has been some good rainfall recently. Brix levels are still low and juice yields are still poor, but both of these indices should improve as the dry season gets underway. However, the industry still wants the rain to continue in the near term to ensure a good bloom for the 2024/25 season.
The low carryover and lack of supplies for blending has meant that the processors are crushing the fruit early – some analysts suggest one month too early – which has led to low ratios of around 10-12. In addition, the processors are crushing the fruit hard which has led to high limonene levels and exacerbated the low ratio issue. It is very difficult to pin down pricing for Brazilian FCOJ and Brazil is only processing limited quantities to NFC this season.
The USDA did not release a report on Florida’s previous 2022/23 orange crop in August as usual. The final forecast from July pegged production at 15.85 million boxes. The non-Valencia (early, mid-season and Navel varieties) accounted for 6.15 million boxes and the Valencia portion was 9.70 million boxes.
There were also no independent forecasts on the forthcoming 2023/24 crop in August either, but industry sources suggest that production next season should
be somewhere between 15-30 million boxes.