The 2023 Alphonso crop wound up in July and production was reportedly similar to last year.

Demand has reportedly been lukewarm from Europe and producers say they are expecting some revival post Anuga. Demand from Iran, which used to be a big consumer of Indian Alphonso, is virtually non-existent this year due to payment challenges and low demand for juice due to high inflation.

In terms of stocks, some producers are confident there will be sufficient supplies to last until the next crop in June next year. Others suggest that stocks will be exhausted by February/ March 2024.


The 2023 Totapuri season was reportedly very good with an extended processing period of 10-12 days. The season the Neelam variety, which is slowly gaining traction in the domestic market, was also good with low prices. Demand for Totapuri fruit from domestic juice manufacturers was very strong and the big three producers processed 1.5 times more than expected. Last year uptake from domestic juice manufacturers was slow due to a slump in sales in northern India. This was mainly attributed to rains and low temperatures in the summer.

Demand for both puree and concentrate has been buoyant and uptake from the domestic market has been particularly good. Some of the main buyers have not yet finalized negotiations for the season, but this should happen soon and give better clarity on the availability of free stocks. Nevertheless, producers say they expect supplies to “comfortably” last until the next crop.

In terms of growing conditions, local sources in India say they are already seeing signs of El Nino, with a deficit of rainfall during the monsoon.