Milk production from the Big 7 export regions grew by 0.3% YOY in 2023. This downgrade from the Q3 estimate of 0.5% is driven mostly by reductions in key global regions, including the US, EU, and New Zealand. Into 2024, output is expected to climb by 0.4%, but far less than the 1.6% annual average gain from 2010-2020.
Milk production is quickly increasing towards the seasonal peak in Oceania. Total season output is expected to be lower, driven by the weak milk price, with the October peak watched closely in the market.
- China’s dairy demand recovery has to date not offset strong domestic milk production growth. China, in particular, is likely to experience a protracted downturn in dairy imports, meaning that hopes for a demand-led recovery in global indicators are faint in the short term. Indications
suggest Chinese milk production is still growing, demand is soft, and stockpiles are burdensome. - Milk production growth has slowed into H2 2023 and into Q4 and shows slowing down entering 2024, but a complete market rebalance is not expected in the near term.
- New Zealand’s search for markets outside of China, has a domino impact.
- EU WMP has not been price competitive in global markets for some time.
- More recently, EU SMP (and FFMP) exports have faced more competition in markets that traditionally lean more towards European suppliers, especially during New Zealand’s low season. This drifting might lead to more milk being allocated to cheese, away from SMP and butter.
- The domino impact continues to South America. Lower Oceania dairy product prices have made Argentina- and Uruguay-sourced products less competitive in North Africa and other regions.
- Shipments to Brazil have increased.
- Till now Q4 2023 exports were marginally up YOY by 2.4%.