The Oceania whole milk powder (WMP) price is steady on the bottom of the price range, but lower on the top.
• Last gDT saw an ease in demand from Middle East, Southeast and European buyers. North Asian buyers bought the most WMP at this auction.
• The volumes offered were lower than the previous event.
• Prices are expected to remain steady in the near-term and is projected to increase slightly, later in the year.
• Oceania WMP output is steady, around available milk supplies.
Whole milk powder prices are unchanged.
• Brazilian whole milk powder (WMP) importing has recently slowed.
• Despite that processors in Argentina and Uruguay are not yet concerned with the current availability, as regional inventories are noted as somewhat tight.
• Buyers relay similar sentiment with supply outside of contractual needs being somewhat scarce throughout Q1.
• That said, if Brazilian customers do not start to increase their ordering for the upcoming quarter, traders are
expecting to shift more available inventories into other global markets. Market tones are unassured, as Q1 approaches its final weeks.
The top of the dry whole milk price range slid lower for the second consecutive week.
• Offers have increased, and feed brokers continue to suggest more dry whole milk has moved into feed channels, signaling a slightly bearish turn.
• Trades are taking place near the bottom of the range than the top making the spot market activity steady to quiet.
• Milk availability has grown and is expected to grow further in the coming weeks, but dryer time is not dedicated to whole milk processing in many cases, particularly with robust amounts of condensed skim and buttermilk available for processing.
European whole milk powder (WMP) prices moved lower, as market activity has become quieter.
• Sales of WMP have grown sluggish from both export channels and from within the European continent.
• Buyers are hesitant to take on more WMP without an increase in demand for the finished goods that use the WMP.
• Supplies are adequate to meet most buyer demand, and production is in balance with the current demand.